Julie Fermino is a third-generation California native, and my father is from Trinidad. Being raised in a multicultural home gave me an insight into the world from an international perspective.
I started with SoCalGas in 2002 as a part-time meter reader. My journey took me on a decade-and-a-half path within Customer Service Field Operations. One key observation throughout my journey was the minimal and sometimes nonexistent
female minority faces in the field, especially in Field Operations Management. I currently hold the title of SoCalGas Damage Prevention Supervisor over the Southeast Region, overseer of the Repeat Offender Program, and VP of Admin for VIBE (Voices Inspiring Black Employees). I have appreciated the opportunity my
career has afforded me to showcase women possess a mechanical mindset. To have a lead role in VIBE allows for a more diversified ERG and ignites an overdue awareness of much-needed cultural growth within our company. I hope to be an influence that sustains females in nontraditional roles and provides a pillar of great change before my retirement. In my off time, I enjoy spending quality vacation time with my family and broadening my children’s horizons. There is no ceiling on the road of growth.